Arts & Entertainment/Economy & business

Tadej Pogacar Wins COVID-defying Tour de France

In a stunning performance for the ages, Tour de France rookie Tadej Pogacar won cycling’s showpiece race Sunday on the eve of his 22nd birthday.Pogacar became the second-youngest winner of the 117-year-old event that this year braved, and overcame, France’s worsening coronavirus epidemic.Turning him from promising prodigy into cycling superstar, Pogacar became the youngest winner since World War II and the first from Slovenia.His victory was incredible, too, for the way in which he sealed it: at the last possible moment, on the penultimate stage before Sunday’s finish on Paris’ Champs-Elysees.In a high-drama time trial on Saturday, he left the race breathless by snatching away the overall lead from Slovenian countryman Primoz Roglic.Their 1-2 is the first for one country since British riders Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome went 1-2 at the 2012 Tour. Australian Richie Porte rounded out the podium, at age 35, after his brilliant time trial that hoisted him from fourth to third overall.With jets trailing plumes of red, white and blue smoke above the riders as they raced toward the finish, the Tour was also celebrating a victory — over the coronavirus.None of the 176 riders who started, or the 146 finishers who raced into Paris, tested positive in multiple batteries of tests, validating the bubble measures put in place by Tour organizers to shield them from infection.

Economy & business/Silicon Valley & Technology

US Judge Blocks Order to Remove WeChat From App Stores 

A U.S. judge early Sunday blocked the Commerce Department from requiring Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google to remove Chinese-owned messaging app WeChat for downloads by late Sunday.   U.S. Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler in San Francisco said in an order that WeChat users who filed a lawsuit “have shown serious questions going to the merits of the First Amendment claim [and] the balance of hardships tips in the plaintiffs’ favor.”   On Friday, the Commerce Department had issued an order citing national security grounds to block the app from U.S. app stores owned by Tencent Holdings, and the Justice Department had urged Beeler not to block the order.   Beeler’s preliminary injunction also blocked the Commerce order that would have barred other transactions with WeChat in the United States that could have degraded the site’s usability for current U.S. users. The U.S. Commerce Department did not immediately comment.   WeChat has had an average of 19 million daily active users in the United States, analytics firms Apptopia said in early August. It is popular among Chinese students, Americans living in China and some Americans who have personal or business relationships in China.   The Justice Department said blocking the order would “frustrate and displace the president’s determination of how best to address threats to national security.” But Beeler said, “while the general evidence about the threat to national security related to China [regarding technology and mobile technology] is considerable, the specific evidence about WeChat is modest.”   She added, “The regulation — which eliminates a channel of communication without any apparent substitutes — burdens substantially more speech than is necessary to further the government’s significant interest.”   WeChat is an all-in-one mobile app that combines services similar to Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Venmo. The app is an essential part of daily life for many in China and boasts more than 1 billion users.   The WeChat Users Alliance that had sued praised the ruling “as an important and hard-fought victory” for “millions of WeChat users in the U.S.”   Michael Bien, a lawyer for the users, said “the United States has never shut down a major platform for communications, not even during war times. There are serious First Amendment problems with the WeChat ban, which targets the Chinese American community.”   He added the order “trampled on their First Amendment guaranteed freedoms to speak, to worship, to read and react to the press, and to organize and associate for numerous purposes.” 

Economy & business/Showcase/World

На территорию Украины прибывают все новые войска наших партнеров

Путляндский опоздун: в Украину завозят лекарство “анти-дед”. Как и ожидалось, на территорию Украины прибывают все новые войска наших партнеров

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Economy & business/Showcase/World

Ким є насправді депутат-мікроб зеленого карлика качура олександр анатолійович

Шляхом тривалого журналістського розслідування ми точно зясували, ким є депутат-мікроб зеленого карлика качура олександр анатолійович.

Він був цинічним гвалтівником собак та кіз, життєрадісним споживачем екскрементів, санітаром лісу і другом природи, тепер став статечною людиною, членом суспільства, депутатом-мікробом зеленого карлика.

Тому, щоб зрозуміти, що він зараз говорить і робить, треба знати про нього вищенаведене!

Воїни Добра
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Economy & business/Showcase/World

Жодного голосу банді зеленого карлика на місцевих виборах!

Жодного голосу банді зеленого карлика на місцевих виборах!
Українці, вони зробили нас навесні 2019 року, а ми зробимо їх 25 жовтня 2020!

Зелений карлик обіцяв, що він і його посіпаки не будуть красти, а палаци і багатомашинні кортежі підуть у небуття. Учителі будуть отримувати 4’000 євро зарплати, для пенсіонерів закінчиться епоха бідності. Настане мир, бо він перестане стріляти!

Що ж насправді: мікроби зеленого карлика крадуть більше, ніж посіпаки Порошенко. Державні резиденції дітям ніхто не передає, бо там поселився зеленимй карлик зі своїм виводком. Кортежі довші, ніж у кривавого януковича, а учителі і пенсіонери живуть гірше, ніж будь-коли. Загиблі і поранені українці продовжують з’являтися на лінії фронту, не дивлячись на зраду єрмака і бажання зеленського поцілувати ображеного карлика пукіна в зад!


Воїни Добра
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Economy & business/Showcase/World

Магазини ЮСК ( JYSK ) продають українцям китайське сміття, що спричиняє тяжкі хвороби

Магазини ЮСК ( JYSK ) продають українцям китайське сміття, що спричиняє тяжкі хвороби.

JYSK декларує на своєму сайті, що має унікальні переваги для покупців, а натомість торгує всіляким китайським мотлохом, як от дані капці. На протязі декількох годин ноги і шкарпетки стають мокрими, а через декілька днів розвиваються тяжкі грибкові пораження шкіри пальців стопи. Усе це потребує тривалого високовартісного лікування, з неможливістю працювати.


Шкода, що минулого року пішов з життя Ларс Ларсен (дат. Lars Kristinus Larsen), засновник данської корпорації Jysk. Бо він би жахнувся від такого асортименту ТОВ “ЮСК Україна”, яка дозволяє собі поведінку дрібного базарного шахрая.

Іван Олександрович
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Economy & business/Silicon Valley & Technology

Newspaper: Facebook Tells Irish Court That Probe Threatens Its EU Operations

Facebook has told Ireland’s High Court it cannot see how its services could operate in the European Union if regulators freeze its data transfer mechanism, the Sunday Business Post reported, citing court documents seen by the paper.The U.S. social media giant last week said that the Irish Data Protection Commission, its lead EU regulator, had made a preliminary decision that the mechanism it uses to transfer data from the EU to the United States “cannot in practice be used.”Facebook requested and secured a temporary freeze on the order and a court review in the Irish High Court, which is due to consider the issue in November. In an affidavit submitted to the court to request that the order be frozen, Yvonne Cunnane, Facebook Ireland’s head of data protection and associate general counsel, said it was not clear how the company could continue providing services in the EU if the Irish order is enforced, the Sunday Business Post reported.”It is not clear to (Facebook) how, in those circumstances, it could continue to provide the Facebook and Instagram services in the EU,” the newspaper quoted the affidavit as saying.The affidavit has not been made public, a High Court spokesman said, and a Facebook spokeswoman did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.In a Sept. 9 blog post that first confirmed the investigation by the Irish regulator, Facebook said it “relied on the mechanism in question – under what are known as standard contractual clauses (SCCs) – to transfer data to countries outside the EU and that a ban would have “a far reaching effect on businesses that rely on SCCs.”The Irish investigation follows a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union in July on when SCCs can be used legally.The ruling was in response to EU concerns that the surveillance regime in the United States might not respect the privacy rights of EU citizens when their personal data is sent to the United States for commercial use. 

Economy & business/Silicon Valley & Technology

Robert W. Gore, Inventor of Gore-Tex Fabric, Dead at 83 

Robert W. Gore, whose invention of what created the breathable-yet-waterproof fabric known as Gore-Tex revolutionized outdoor wear and helped spawn uses in numerous other fields, has died. He was 83.Gore, who was president of W. L. Gore & Associates for almost 25 years and company chairman for 30 years, died on Thursday following a prolonged illness at his home in Delaware, company spokesperson Amy Calhoun confirmed Saturday.  Gore discovered a new form of a polymer in 1969 at a company lab in Newark, Delaware. His father, who began the company, asked Bob Gore to research a new way to manufacturer plumber’s tape at a low cost using PTFE, commonly known as DuPont’s Teflon, The News Journal of Wilmington reported.The son figured out that by stretching PTFE with a sudden yank, the polymer expanded by 1,000 percent. The resulting product, known as ePTFE, created a microporous structure. The introduction of Gore-Tex technology came seven years later.“It was truly a pivot point in this company’s history,” Greg Hannon, W.L. Gore & Associates’ chief technology officer, said last year. “Without which we would be much less significant of an organization than we are today.”The membrane within Gore-Tex fabric has billions of pores that are smaller than water droplets, leading to waterproof but breathable raincoats, shoes and other clothing. The patents ultimately led to countless other uses with medical devices, guitar strings and in space travel, the company said.Gore was born in Utah, the oldest of five children to Bill and Vieve Gore, who both founded the company in 1958. Bill Gore had previously joined DuPont’s workforce and ultimately came to Delaware. Bob Gore earned his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware and advanced degrees from the University of Minnesota. He succeeded his father as the company’s president and CEO in 1976. Gore and his family contributed funds for buildings and engineering laboratories at the University of Delaware.Gore is survived by his wife, Jane, as well as children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Memorial plans weren’t immediately announced by the company.